PPL v CNN Prima News

22. 6. 2024| About us

Czechs are masters of online shopping. The trend is for delivery boxes, says the CEO of PPL CZ

Half of the goods purchased in e-shops go to Czech customers through pick-up boxes. Is this the future of delivery?

System maintenance

6. 5. 2024| News

Technical failure in the app mojePPL

We would like to inform you about a technical failure in the mobile application mojePPL, which is causing a problem with the loading of shipments.

Night excursion of logistics students to the new HUB of PPL CZ

25. 4. 2024| About us

Dopravní noviny: Night excursion of logistics students to the new HUB of PPL CZ

The cooperation of the Department of Logistics with PPL CZ is not only about practical familiarization of students with the issues of KEB services by organizing professional lectures and seminars or elaboration of company topics for qualification theses. The most popular with students are always excursions to real operations.

PPL expands its Parcelboxes in a big way | PPL CZ

11. 4. 2024| About us

PPL CZ expands its Parcelboxes in a big way

PPL CZ is experiencing record growth thanks to the growing popularity of e-commerce and plans to strengthen its position in the Czech market by expanding its Parcelbox network.

Cash on delivery scams: Do not pay for goods you did not order | PPL CZ

10. 4. 2024| News

Cash on delivery scams: Do not pay for goods you did not order

Scammers are constantly coming up with cleverer ways to trick us. This time, they are trying it through COD payments for items we do not order. Learn how not to fall for them.

budova ppl

16. 3. 2023| Life in company

Benefits which make work in PPL all that more pleasant

Apart from the fact that it is a joy to work in PPL and that we try to recruit decent people who put their heart into their job and enjoy doing it to join our team, we also offer a range of benefits .

PPL van

26. 6. 2024| News

Fuel surcharge

For the month of July 2024, the fuel surcharge is 11.5 %.

PPL rozšiřuje síť ekologických PPL Parcelboxů i zelenou flotilu

23. 5. 2024| About us

Dopravní noviny: PPL Expands Network of Eco-Friendly PPL Parcelboxes and Green Fleet

The leading Czech carrier PPL focuses not only on improving its services, which enable it to deliver up to half a million parcels every day. The company also places great emphasis on environmental protection and sustainability.

Spot PPL

17. 5. 2024| About us

Tesco broke the resistance of their opponents only in the third period. Especially the power plays helped the chain to win the Hockey Battle of the Spots

The MAM Hockey Spot Duels special offered a thrilling contest between eight opponents. The game was fast-paced and physical. The winner showed resilience and strong play at the boards and in the corners of the rink. With two goals scored a few minutes before the final siren, the Living Hockey spot of the Tesco chain by Socialsharks won.

The first tv commercial of PPL

9. 5. 2024| About us

PPL CZ joins the hockey fever in its first TV commercial

PPL CZ, the leader among Czech parcel carriers, has entered the next phase of development in the field of customer communication. In cooperation with the agency KNOWLIMITS, it will present a new advertising campaign during the upcoming hockey holiday.