Why send parcels abroad with us?
Delivery through Europe in cooperation with DHL.
Delivery of shipments within 5 working day.
High quality guaranteed.
Cash on delivery for foreign shipments.
An ever-expanding network of foreign destinations.

Solution primarily for B2C?
• Delivery to address or pick-up places
• Cash on delivery in selected countries
• Posibility redirect the parcel to pick-up places
• Liability PPL up to 100 tousands CZK
• Maximum weight 31.5 Kg and dimension 120x60x60 cm
Detail information about Parcel Connect and delivery method and transport of dangerous goods

Solution primarily for B2B?
• Delivery to the adress or pick-up places
• Second delivery attempts to adress
• Delivery also to countries outside the EU
• Liability PPL up to 100 tousands CZK
• Maximum weight 31, 5 Kg and dimension 120x60x60 cm
Detail information about Parcel Connect Plus and transport of dangerous goods

Or something Smart?
• A modern way to deliver to pick-up place in selected countries
• Cash on delivery directly from the recipient by credit card or cash
• Communication with recipients via e-mail and SMS
• Track & Trace of shipments on our website
• Liability PPL up to 100 tousands CZK
Detail information about Parcel Smart Europe

Frequently asked questions
Then the PPL Parcel Connect product is a clear choice for you. The recipient will be informed about the progress of the transport via text message (SMS) or e-mail. The shipment is delivered to the address or to the delivery point. The product can be combined with additional services, such as cash on delivery or increased liability for the shipment. The method of communication, delivery and the additional services vary according to the destination. To learn more about PPL Parcel Connect, download the product sheet.
Here you will make full use of the PPL Parcel Connect Plus product. The shipment will be delivered to the recipient's address and in case the recipient cannot be reached, we will try to deliver the package again the next day. We also deliver shipments to countries outside Europe, where we will be happy to arrange customs clearance for you. To learn more about PPL Parcel Connect Plus, download the product sheet. What might be of interest to you.
The web application for easy management of your shipments, which we offer you free of charge, also includes the possibility of direct delivery of packages to delivery points in Poland, Germany and Slovakia. This method of delivery is convenient for the recipient and represents an economical option for the sender.
Cash on delivery items can be sent to Slovakia, Poland, Hungary and Romania. For packages going to Slovakia, we offer the option of customs declaration in CZK or EUR. We can transfer the collected amounts in EUR to any euro account maintained in countries that support SEPA payments. For shipments to Poland / Hungary / Romania, we offer a declaration in PLN / HUF / RON. The collected cash on delivery is transferred to an account at a Polish / Hungarian / Romanian bank.
Customs clearance is required for shipments outside the EU (to the UK, Norway and Switzerland). We will be happy to help you with this.
What documents do we need from you to clear customs for you? If you are starting to ship outside the EU, you need to have an EORI number.
We will sign a Power of Attorney for Direct and Indirect Customs Representation and additional information together before you send your first shipment.
Documents required for customs clearance:
• The detailed content of the shipment is a document in txt, format that contains a brief description, HS code, number, unit (piece, litre...), value, weight and country of origin of the goods. A more detailed description of how to fill in the goods description document can be found here. An example of a detailed description document can be found here.
• Invoice for goods in PDF format (document name e.g. 22005509666_invoice).
• Export layout in PDF format (document name e.g. 22005509666_layout) can be found here: export layout
Please do not forget to complete the declaration of origin for the invoice. Without this declaration, the duty exemption cannot be claimed.
Sample declaration:
The exporter of the products covered by this document* declares that, except where otherwise clearly indicated, these products are of ... preferential origin.
(Name of the exporter):
*For consignments from the EU to the UK, an exporter reference number (your REX number) is only required if the value of the consignment exceeds EUR 6 000
Documents must be sent electronically to b2b@ppl.cz before shipments are released for transportation.