Track your shipments
Pick-up points in your pocket
Send parcels simply
We will reward you for each shipment
All in one place
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Frequently asked questions
You can only use mojePPL app with an internet connection (wi-fi or mobile data).
When sending a parcel via the Parcel for You service, you can pay for the shipping directly in the app, using a credit card via the payment gateway. For the payment gateway, you can choose to pay with Google Pay or Apple Pay.
If you have ordered a COD shipment, you can simply pay the COD in the app before the shipment is delivered.
Shipments are always paired with your email address and therefore need to be verified. This will prevent unnecessary misunderstandings when communicating and delivering your parcels.
Please check the operating system version on your device. You can only download the myPPL app if you have the following operating system versions:
Android - operating system 8.0 Oreo and above
iOS - iOS 15 operating system and above