We contribute to nature
At PPL, we think about both nature and our future. That is why a mixed PPL forest is growing near Ledeč nad Sázavou in cooperation with the Forests of the Czech Republic. Our forest, green with oaks, maples, lindens and spruces, we contribute to the health of nature and continue on our path towards a sustainable future.
our planted trees filter more than 150 million litres of water annually.
Converts 14 tons of oxygen
and that would be for up to 38 people a year.
For more than 4,500 people
our forest will provide water for a year.

We start at the Švihov reservoir
The Švihov reservoir, known as Želivka, serves as a source of drinking water for almost the entire Central Bohemian region, including Prague.
It is the largest water reservoir in the Czech Republic and Central Europe.
By planting, we will improve the environment around this important water source.