As well as scams in the online world, fraudsters try to get money from us through cash on delivery. Usually these are either parcels that contain different goods than the recipient ordered, or the recipient didn't even order the parcel in the first place. Scammers are betting on our inattention.

Please, before you pay the cash on delivery, check carefully which package it is and from which e-shop.


What does the whole situation usually look like?

The scammers send the recipient a cash on delivery package from an unverified e-shop or via various second-hand shops. The recipient pays the COD and takes the package. However, once he unwraps it, he either finds something else in it than he ordered (usually of minimal value), or there is even just filler to make the package look credible.
When the recipient subsequently wants to claim the goods, he finds that the e-shop is no longer traceable on the internet, or any contacts are unavailable.


What should you do to avoid getting into such a situation?

If you feel that you have not ordered the parcel or anything is suspicious, check the credibility of the parcel before you take delivery and pay the COD:

Look for references. Order from e-shops that have been vetted by other customers.

Check the e-shop on the CTIA website. The Czech Trade Inspection Authority regularly updates a list of risky online shops on its website.

Before taking delivery, check that you have ordered from the listed sender. You can find out the details of the sender and the shipment in a timely and convenient way in our mobile app mojePPL or by the shipment number on our website.

Try to check with the sender directly in advance to find out which shipment it is. If you can no longer find the sender or their e-shop online, do not pay the COD and do not accept the parcel.


Did you pay COD for a shipment you didn't order?

If you have already paid the cash on delivery and the parcel contains goods that you did not order, or if there is nothing in the parcel except fillers, please contact the Police of the Czech Republic directly. Only the Police of the Czech Republic can take such action that the amount collected for the cash on delivery is suspended.

If you are unsure about anything or anything is suspicious, please email us at We hope our tips will help you avoid fraudulent situations.

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