In other words, our goal is first and foremost to reduce the negative impact of our activities to a minimum and to take steps that will help nature and offset our negative impact on the environment. We believe that it is necessary to treat nature with respect and to think about future generations.


What steps are we currently taking at PPL?

Paperless project or 80% less paper: We have radically reduced the printing of documents at PPL. Thanks to digitisation, for example, we no longer print around 7,000,000 consignment notes a year.

Electromobility waiting to happen: We are introducing the first electric cars and electric bikes to our regions this year.

Ride to work by bike: Every year, we participate in the Ride to Work by Bike project to inspire a healthy and ecological way of life.

We sort waste and we know how: We have containers for sorted waste in all workplaces and we have carried out employee training on this topic with the Responsible Company educational project implemented by the authorised packaging company EKO-KOM.

We participate in outdoor cleaning projects.


What might be of interest

Ekologická dodávka PPL

28. 2. 2025| News

Přehled změn ve smluvních podmínkách PPL

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