As we announced we are expanding our bike depot. You can find another new cyclo couriers in České Budějovice. Nowadays they deliver in Prague, Brno, Olomouc, Hradec Králové and Liberec.

Another Prague destination is planned in Prague 5 – Anděl. As Petr Horák said in previous press release:“ “In particular for big cities, use of electric bikes is a huge step towards ensuring a sustainable city. We feel that with these steps, we are helping to take the load off public space, help reduce traffic congestion, reduce emissions and noise, and also contribute towards the quality of life of people living in the city.”

Support for ecology, development of electromobility and green logistics is an important part of corporate strategy in PPL. PPL currently has ten vehicles in operation which run on alternative fuel in cooperation with its forwarders. Other than electric cars, this also concerns cars running on CNG.     

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Ekologická dodávka PPL

28. 2. 2025| News

Přehled změn ve smluvních podmínkách PPL

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