PPL CZ is a long-term strategic partner of the Department of Logistics at the Faculty of Business Administration of the University of Economics in Prague. The cooperation focuses on practical teaching of students through lectures, seminars and field trips, which is very popular with students. For example, in April, a night excursion to PPL's logistics centre in Hradec Králové took place, where students had the opportunity to see real operations and shipment processing.

The excursion, which was attended by nearly thirty students, started with a bus departure from Prague at 17:30 and ended with a return after 22:30. The students had the opportunity to learn about the processes in the HUB, including the sorting of shipments and the technical support of KEB services. The guide was Petr Horák from PPL (the namesake of the CEO), who introduced the students to the functioning of the centre and answered their questions.

The whole event was very positively evaluated by the students, especially due to the speed and organization of work in the logistics centre. The cooperation between PPL CZ and the Department of Logistics is ongoing and both parties are reaping significant benefits from it, with further similar activities planned.

You can read the full article on the Dopravní noviny website..

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