Petr Chvátal has worked in PPL since 2016. During his time as CEO, PPL has undergone major transformation with a focus on development of services in the field of eCommerce.

Petr Horák has worked in PPL since 2002 and held a wide variety of positions. He has held the position of Director of Operations for the Czech Republic and Slovakia for the past four years.

“My main objective is to prepare PPL for the coming challenges relating to development of the market in the CZ and also in the EU. We will also continue to strengthen our position on the forwarding market with a focus on increasing the quality of all of the services which we provide to our customers and the general public. We aim to do so by establishing a stable base of happy employees and ensuring the satisfaction of all of the partners in our supply chain. I am certain that under my guidance, the company will continue to prosper and make a major contribution towards development of logistics services in the Czech Republic and Slovakia in its capacity as the largest company in the field,” says Petr Horák, commenting on the change.




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30 let

3. 2. 2025|

The blue transport stalwart celebrates 30 years: PPL plans a record-breaking anniversary year!

PPL has been passionately delivering parcels to all corners of the country and, since 2006, Europe. Last year it delivered over 60 million parcels. This year it wants to surpass the 69 million mark. It is also constantly expanding its delivery network and focusing on electrifying its fleet.