The world of IT is constantly changing and so are we. We strive to regularly improve the quality of our transport services and the technical and IT side of things goes hand in hand with this. This leads not only to new innovations, improvements in the architecture of the environment, new websites and APIs, but also to the discontinuation of old technologies the security of which is no longer compliant.

One of these is the KTM API which provided lists of pick-up points for your e-shops.

This interface will be discontinued as of 1 February 2024. Please inform your colleagues in the IT department to make the necessary change. Only in this way will you continue to have access to the current list of pick-up points for the recipients of your parcels.


How to make the change? 

There are two options. Through the new PPL widget or through the new CPL API (AccessPoint method). Please contact your PPL sales representative for access to the CPL API.

If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact us on the customer service line or at IT HELP.

Thank you for making the world of parcel forwarding better together with us.

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